Floods and droughts can have significant negative impacts on watersheds. I took some time to review climate data, and noted a few major flood and drought events. Checkout the presentation in the link below:
This week I spent time researching local organizations working to promote the conservation and improvements of watersheds. I wanted to spotlight the Piedmont Environmental Council. Click the link to find out more.
The Bull Run Watershed Bull Run, a perinatal tributary of the Occaquan river located in Loudoun, Prince William, and Fairfax counties, Virginia. The approximately 28 mile stream includes a watershed that covers approximately 50,000 hectares land. Streams are useful and beautiful natural resource features that provide a number of economic and ecological benefits. One major benefits of streams is the removal of stormwater, however during storm events rivers, streams and even small tributaries can flood their banks and damage infrastructure and buildings. This post will review Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood maps in order to identify areas pron to flooding and determine if land use decisions are properly considering flood risks. The 100 Year Flood FEMA is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security tasked with coordinating the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and tha...
LEEDing The Way to Sustainability The Developing Development Problem Northern Virginia (NOVA) is subgroup of counties in Virginia that includes Fairfax, Prince William, and Loudoun Counties, and are often considered part of the Washington District of Colombia's metropolitan surroundings. These three counties along with a handful of cities such as Manassas, Reston, Arlington, and Alexandria account for roughly a half of Virginia's 8 million people according to the 2010 census. The areas population has increased since 2010 and the need to house and accommodate the the rising population has resulted in increased development in all counties and cities. The area surrounding Bull Run has experienced large growth with current estimates indicating a 15.9% increase in county population and a 16.5% and a 9.5% increase in Manassas city park, and Manassas city respectively. The primary problem with the large and rapid population growth is the dramatic loss of green s...
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